orange, vanilla and honey labne

- 1kg Farmer’s Union Greek Style Natural Yogurt
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 3 teaspoons vanilla bean paste
- 2 teaspoons finely grated orange rind
- ¼ teaspoon table salt
- ⅓ cup (80g) honey, extra
- 1 teaspoon rosewater
- Line a sieve or colander with fine muslin or a clean cloth and suspend over a bowl.
- Place the yogurt, honey, vanilla, orange rind and salt in a bowl and mix until well combined. Pour into the prepared muslin, gather the edges to enclose and use kitchen string to secure.
- Refrigerate for 48–72 hours or until the labne is at a firmness you prefer. Discard the drained liquid.
- Remove the labne from the muslin and place on a serving plate. Using the back of a spoon, flatten the centre of the labne.
- Combine the extra honey and rosewater.
- Spoon the rosewater honey over the labne and serve. Serves 6–8 for breakfast or a sweet cheeseboard
You can serve this orange, vanilla and honey labne for breakfast with sliced fruit, berries and crunchy granola or as a sweet cheese board with sliced figs, crusty bread and crackers.
Photography: Con Poulos